
Early Intervention With Poppie Speech & Language Therapy


Meet Alissa Glowacki, a specialist paediatric speech and language therapist and founder of Poppie Speech & Language Therapy! Described as a wildflower from a young age, it’s not surprising that Alissa chose to work with children now as an adult. She has always felt that children teach us just as much, if not more, than we teach them.

Alissa’s speciality lies with the itty bitties! Working with a population at such a malleable stage in development is a privilege & not one taken lightly. Seeing the impact that individualised intervention can have on a child’s ability to communicate confidently & with others is extraordinary. Despite Alissa’s proclivity for early learning, she has clinical experience & training working with all ages & caters her therapeutic approach to uniquely fit each client’s needs.

At Poppie Speech, Alissa focuses on building a collaborative framework for a child to thrive in. This is done through empowering families & caregivers to recognise the facilitative contexts & tools from which they can readily pull & incorporate into their child’s routines.

Alissa offers evaluation & therapy to children of all ages, presenting with a diverse range of communication differences. This includes children with pronunciation or articulation delays, phonological disorders, stammering, motor speech disorders, global developmental delay, developmental language disorder (DLD), & pre-existing diagnoses (e.g., Autism Spectrum Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, & Congenital Disorders).

Alissa’s Approach To Therapy

At Poppie Speech, a play-based approach to therapy is incorporated. This refers to the way in which we navigate interactions with children. During a session, the therapist will follow the child’s lead in order to facilitate opportunities for engagement, enjoyment, & of course, communication! The aim is to help children establish a positive association between communicating and engaging across interactions & contexts. You can embed a multitude of clinical targets when incorporating a play-based therapeutic approach. This could include expanding a child’s receptive vocabulary, increasing the frequency of single-word approximations to request, or learning how to incorporate new elements into play.

While it might look like your therapist is simply playing with your child, rest assured there is a layer of strategies & approaches they are utilising to best fit your child’s needs & learning profile in a given moment.

If you have questions or concerns about your child’s communication skills, contact Alissa via email at





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