
40 over 40 Campaign by Laura Shimili Mears Photography


Laura is a local family photographer based in Tooting and the face behind Laura Shimili Mears Photography. The 40 over 40 campaign, is Laura’s latest campaign, which she launched in September. Laura continues to work with families and babies for newborn photoshoots in the home or in the studio. She also works with businesses and teams for headshots and website / social media photography, to help their marketing efforts with regular image creation.

We spoke to Laura about her latest 40 over 40 campaign to understand the motivation and how it works:

What was the motivation behind the campaign?

The motivation behind the campaign came from a strong feeling of wanting to address the issue of age and how age is perceived. Most people feel that once we reach and go beyond the threshold of 40, we are not young anymore. What we tend to see in the media and around us in advertising, are representations of younger generations and of models that convey a certain image of beauty, as young. We don’t often see mature beauty in campaigns although that is changing and different body shapes, abilities and ages are being embraced more.

The 40 over 40 campaign wants to challenge the way mature beauty is seen and make mature beauty something we see more often, in the media and around us, from our friends and family.


Why did you decide to do it now?

The campaign is one year long, and I am inviting 40 people to join me to create beautiful contemporary portraits of themselves, that can be used for work, businesses or the family. I want everybody to see their friends and family in beautiful contemporary portraits.

I am currently looking for 30 people to join the campaign and experience what is an empowering and transformative way to reconnect to our confidence and feel valued and seen.

I was recently very pleased to receive 2 bronze awards for 2 images from this campaign, awarded in the International Portrait Masters Awards. A panel of judges assesses images based on professional standards and when seeing the two images being awarded 2 bronzes I felt very grateful and appreciative.

Who can be a part of it?

The 40 over 40 campaign is for women and men in their 40s, 50s and beyond that want to feel empowered and want to share who they are confidently with the world.

The women and men that have joined so far, are not models, they are busy parents, professionals and entrepreneurs that are spinning many plates. They have resonated with the campaign and they have decided to join and celebrate their age and start a change for others too.


What is included as part of the package?

The campaign includes professional makeup, styling advice, the photoshoot with a number of outfits, a viewing appointment and one final professional edited and printed portrait of your choice. I am very excited as in addition there will be a magazine feature of everyone taking part and an exhibition style event where we can all come together and make a collective impact. Collections of more images are available, and I promise there are only images that you love.


Where do you plan on releasing the images?

For those that would like to join the campaign, after the photoshoot we book the viewing appointment where the images are displayed and you can select the images you love.

The final event will probably take place in the summer 2022, I can’t wait for it, to look back and appreciate what we have created.

How can people join the campaign?

To join the campaign, is easy, there is a simple form to complete, answering some questions about why you’d like to join and how would the experience contribute to you and to your life.

The link to the joining page is:  



Phone: 07934788100

Instagram:  @lauraphotographylondon


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