Brigo Personal Training is a dedicated service that help mums who struggle to lose weight, tone up & get in shape. They come to your home or local park perfect for anyone who doesn’t enjoy the gym environment or simply prefers the convenience of their own home or the fresh outdoors. Read our post about them here.
The trainers are pre and post natal qualified so whether you’re looking to stay fit during your pregnancy or need a personal approach to lose the baby weight they can help.
Whether you’re wearing a dress or sporting shorts here are 3 quick exercises working legs, bum and tum. Perform each exercise for 60 seconds with a 20 second rest in-between and repeat 3 times.
Exercise 1:
Exercise 2:
Exercise 3:
If you’re looking for Motivation, Accountability, Experienced Professional & personalised approach to your health and fitness BrigoPT does just that with;
– Motivational one-to-one sessions to push you through your workouts
– Accountability on a regular basis with your food and exercise (outside of sessions)
– An Experienced Fitness Professional that simplifies everything for you and tells you exactly what do, how to do it and why it’s beneficial for the results you want
– Create commitment to keep you on track and see results
Best of all you can start with a Free ‘Look & Feel Better’ Taster session before even having to buy anything, this gives you the opportunity to meet your trainer, experience their service and see if they’re a good match for you.
Book your Free ‘Look & Feel Better’ Taster Session on
Brigo PT have a special offer for Clapham Mums: you will also receive tailored nutritional plan and support worth £199 for FREE with any PT Package!
Telephone: 02031055459
You can also catch Clapham Mums on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Sign up to the Newsletter for monthly updates on events and activities.
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